Leadership Communication – Be Brave, Be Yourself

The global pandemic has highlighted the importance of regular and effective communication in times of uncertainty. It has also provided a unique opportunity to see a variety of leaders across the world, in governments, organisations and workplaces, talk about the same issues at the same time. 

We’ve all had the chance to see what good leadership looks like. 

The key elements of good communication are unchanged and have simply been re-enforced. But, perhaps, one change has been the increasing importance of being seen as genuine.

There is now less acceptance of simply toeing the party line, saying what is easy or popular. This works for some for a while, but in the long-run they come up short. 

We know when we see good leaders, with the courage to be themselves, to trust us with the truth.  We want our leaders to;

  • Be Visible – people want more communication in times of uncertainty not less. Even if there is no ‘new news’, we want to be told that rather than wonder if we’re missing something.
  • Be Available– no matter how much you share, people will have questions. Make sure everyone knows how to get in touch with you, via email, through your teams or via question box on the wall or your intranet.
  • Be Open – uncertain times means you won’t have all the answers. Be open about the things you know, things you don’t know and the things you are finding out more about. Make sure you correct any misinformation you know is wrong.
  • Be Honest – people like to know the truth, it means they can start thinking about what comes next. Be honest about the good and the bad, don’t try to justify or sugar coat. Explain what’s happening, what’s been decided and why, and what the implications are likely to be. 
  • Be Positive– morale can be low in times of uncertainty, encourage people to think positively wherever you can, but don’t over promise, be sure you can deliver on what you say.
  • Be Genuine – people want to hear from leaders they know and trust. At work that is often the line managers they see and work with regularly. Share your personal experiences and feelings about the situation, it will help others understand your perspective and accept your messages.

At GNIUS we believe in the value of genuine communication. We’re working hard to help our clients be themselves, giving them the courage to be open and honest; sharing the truth and building trust with their teams.